Wednesday was another wet and snowy day in Budapest, but we had bigger plans! The Chinese Market! This is one of my favorite places because it has a lot of different things for pretty inexpensive. Originally we were going to walk about 2km to catch the tram but after seeing the snow and Tyler's face we decided to ride the metro! After the metro we found got on the tram (another first for Tyler).

This is the entrance to the Chinese Market. This is the only picture we were allowed to take because no camera were allowed. the first part of the market was under cover but the majority of it was exposed to everything. Tyler arrived knowing she wanted to buy a pair of boots (which is very European)and this place had a million different boots. She found a very sophisticated pair of boots with a three inch heel. I asked her if they were to high for her and she assured me they weren't so I said okay. After we left she told us that her mom make "freak" over the boots! So, as a disclaimer, I was informed that the heel was appropriate, so I can not be held responsible for it!
Three hours later, with frozen feet we left the market. Tyler had a new pair of boots, and a scarf. Brent left with new gloves and an awesome pair of new shoes (only $17.00) and I left with TWO new pair of boots and a pair of tights for a total of $42.50! I can't believe I spent that much but for two pair of boots I can't feel to terrible about it!
Once we were done at the Market I am pretty sure Tyler was hating us because she was so cold. We went straight to the mall where we had movie plans. The mall was a lot smaller than we anticipated, and the food choices were limited! Luckily McDonald's is good no matter where you go!
After we changed our clothes, got some food and some candy for the movie everyone was in a better mood!
Funny Story: Cade and Kristi always whistle at each other to get each others attention. When Tyler and I were looking down at a mall guide for places to eat I heard whistling. I thought to myself it was funny to hear it since it reminded me so much of Cade and Kristi. I turned to see where it was coming from and there were Cade and Kristi on the top level of the Mall, whistling at us!
After we met up with Kristi, Cade, Brandon and Monique Chapman and Rudy and were ready for HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HOLLOWS PART I. I have been waiting FOREVER for this. I am a huge fanatic! I have also been dying to talk about the movie with anyone and everyone! Luckily, Cade and I enjoy movies a lot so the past few nights it has been all we have been talking about! If anyone wants to talk HP just let me know!
Overall it was a great day. Now if I ask Tyler she says she loved the Chinese Market but I doubt this was her thought as we were leaving originally! I am getting so used to Budapest I can not believe we are leaving in 2 1/2 weeks! It is coming to an end to quickly!
This is the entrance to the Chinese Market. This is the only picture we were allowed to take because no camera were allowed. the first part of the market was under cover but the majority of it was exposed to everything. Tyler arrived knowing she wanted to buy a pair of boots (which is very European)and this place had a million different boots. She found a very sophisticated pair of boots with a three inch heel. I asked her if they were to high for her and she assured me they weren't so I said okay. After we left she told us that her mom make "freak" over the boots! So, as a disclaimer, I was informed that the heel was appropriate, so I can not be held responsible for it!
Once we were done at the Market I am pretty sure Tyler was hating us because she was so cold. We went straight to the mall where we had movie plans. The mall was a lot smaller than we anticipated, and the food choices were limited! Luckily McDonald's is good no matter where you go!
After we changed our clothes, got some food and some candy for the movie everyone was in a better mood!
Funny Story: Cade and Kristi always whistle at each other to get each others attention. When Tyler and I were looking down at a mall guide for places to eat I heard whistling. I thought to myself it was funny to hear it since it reminded me so much of Cade and Kristi. I turned to see where it was coming from and there were Cade and Kristi on the top level of the Mall, whistling at us!
Overall it was a great day. Now if I ask Tyler she says she loved the Chinese Market but I doubt this was her thought as we were leaving originally! I am getting so used to Budapest I can not believe we are leaving in 2 1/2 weeks! It is coming to an end to quickly!
That really did go by fast. 2 1/2 weeks. WOW!
3 inch heels?? I told her to buy comfortable boots or walking shoes! Silly girl! I miss my baby :)
If I had known you could get cheap boots in Budapest I would have come over!
PS: I have put off seeing Harry Potter because I thought you couldn't see it over there. I think I am the only in the family who wants to see it and hasn't.
Christi-the 3 inch heels were purchased last week--she bought comfortable boots before vienna
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