Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Grand Canyon Day One

Brent and I have been pretty lucky to have friends close enough that want to travel.  Since we are in Las Vegas, we figure we should make the trek to the Grand Canyon and Erin, James, Jadie and Parker Urrutia were willing to come with us!
I was pretty nervous about the trip considering I just found out I was pregnant and I get pretty miserable morning sickness plus Harper was barely a year old. Brent, of course, thought camping was a pretty good idea!
Luckily, the Grand Canyon isn't really camping.  Yes, you stay in a tent but they have buses that take you all around the different stops and the walks are only about a mile long. Plus there are cool little statues that Harper could climb all over.
Once we got looking at the views it was AMAZING!
I couldn't believe how massive and intricate this canyon is.
I don't think you can see this but there is a little squirrel that was running all over one of the viewpoints. The viewpoints were pretty crowded but since we went in June the weather was perfect.
Some viewpoints were completely empty which let us just enjoy the grandeur of it for as long as we wanted.
Harper looks so little!  Her hair is still ridiculous but now it is longer and ridiculous. 
This is where I am a little bit of a downer.  I am not a huge fan of the desert landscape and so after a few viewpoints the grand canyon kinda lost its wonder for me.
This guy never loses his wonder.  This is a ledge that he had to run and jump to reach.  I fully expect to be a widow by the time I am 30.
And being on the ledge wasn't enough, he then had to hang over the side.  There was a little place for him to stand but it still didn't make me feel any better.  Erin kept saying she would kill him.  I've thought about it.
Harper is a mover and a shaker so the fact that she slept at all was kinda amazing.  We couldn't readjust her at all once she was out because she would wake up and stay awake so easily. The buses were pretty nice break as well. There were several different lines. We were really most concerned with seeing the sites so we focused on seeing half of it one day and the other half the next.
I miss green... that is all.
Brent did get a chance to go out and capture some of the most amazing landscape with his photography... He is really getting quite good at this little hobby of his and everyday he has some new trick to fill me in on.
It was a good first day, unfortunately we were unable to have a fire which made out evening pretty uneventful.  It was quick to bed.  We brought a pack and play for Harper, which ended up being pointless.  She slept in bed with Brent for about an hour, and then in bed with me for about six hours.  Dads were not meant for the night shift but I won't let that stop Brent from trying!

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