Friday, August 19, 2011

Utah Day Two:Baby Shower Madness

It had been a mad two days up until this point and it was finally coming time to the whole reason I drove up to Utah! To throw a Baby Shower for one of my friends!

Here is the treats and decoration table! Notice the Diaper cake in the middle? I am still pretty proud of that. And it turned out to be a fun game. Everyone had 30 seconds to memorize everything on it. Only 3 people got that there was a bottle of sparkling cider in the middle. All of the guest said that it turned out really cute so of course I feel great for actually following through on making it!

The entire room! As per the norm, Brent was an amazing support. He put up with all my craziness through this whole situation. Primary rooms are so hard to decorate! They are just so utilitarian. I wasn't really pleased with how it looked but there was no time! We had wasted the day on much more fun activities than caring about how some streamers looked!

The soon to be proud parents! A shout out to Spencer for taking a normal picture. I am pretty sure Erica is pinching him because he is usually impossible to get a normal picture out of!

Instead of your normal games I tried to come up with ones that were less competitive and more collaborative and creative. One of the activities was to decorate a onsie in a theme relating to the family (travel, BYU, a mommy and a daddy onsie). Jessica and Jennifer did the travel one. They did an amazing job! When these two get together magic happens because they created a globe out of the entire onsie with rocket ships and planes on the sleeve and polar bears and penguins in the north and south poles! I am really hoping to get a similar when it comes time for me to have a shindig like this.

After the shower was over we all went out to Ice cream. Spencer, Phil, and Brent did join us for the desert party. I miss Macey's ice cream! $0.48 for an ice cream cone and somewhere to sit and talk!

Here is the group of girls I grew up with and remain friends today. Brent was making fun on me because I always sink down in pictures like. I can't help it if I am at least 6 inches taller than everyone else and don't feel like looking like a giant. You can't really tell here how much taller I am so go to the next picture...

Can you see it now? I am a lot taller. It isn't a bad thing but it is a thing so I shrink for pictures... I am almost certain if I didn't shrink we wouldn't fit in the same frame!
It was so nice to see everyone again. Jessica made this amazing Afgan for Erica. It was really adorable and I begged her for a similar one when it came my time, but of course I forgot to get a picture of it and that is a long way off!

Jennifer and I were talking about how we are all terrible at keeping in touch but when we are back together it is like nothing has changed, and we have been out of touch for maybe an hour or two. I really love these girls and wish that we won't end up all over the country... but I am sure we will end up all over the U.S. and the country will be more blessed for it!


Maren and Blake said...

It is nice to have such good lifelong friends. I want a picture of this blanket. Have Erica post a picture.

Cool Waters said... she having a boy or girl? And do they have a name?? :)

Brent and Mallory said...

They are having a little boy but I don't think they have landed on a name for sure at this point. She is due in October so I think they have a little bit of time.