Friday, August 19, 2011

Utah Day Three: Sick on Sunday

My weekend had been super amazing so far, and I was ready to spend Sunday hanging out with my Aunt Patty and Uncle Bob + Family, but of course what happens? At 5: 30 am I start throwing up. I guess Brent woke up and tried to ignore me until he heard me calling his name and he finally came in and gave me sympathy!

While everyone else went to church I laid on the couch trying to not get to nauseous, and failing.

This is how I spent most of my day...

Despite me not feeling well, Josh (cousin) came over to dinner with his new fiance (Melissa). Here is Jenny, Megan, and Linda (practically one of the family) at the dinner table. I didn't get a good picture of Melissa and Josh. I am chalking it up to being sick.

I did sit close to the dinner table and enjoyed conversation. I can say this: Josh did well. Melissa is really great (they are on the other side of Brent). Melissa's family is from El Salvador (I think..?) and they own a restaurant in SLC. I am really excited for both of them and I am sure they are going to have an amazing wedding and a wonderful eternal marriage!
After dinner concluded, I faced the terrible reality: I was sick and needed to drive 6 hours home... My Aunt Patty (who let us stay with them, and babied me through out the whole ordeal) game me two benedryl and so I basically passed out in the car. I am glad Brent is such a good driver because I only remember waking up twice the whole drive.

A trip to Utah was exactly what I needed. Las Vegas is not my type of city so to break away and see/spend time with friends and family was a really wonderful opportunity!

Thank you to all the people who spent time, helped, talked to and just hung out with use while we were there! A special thanks to my aunt and uncle who are always so willing to let us stay with and monopolize their time! They really go above and beyond to make us feel welcome in their home!I feel so blessed to have such a haven of comfort close to Vegas!

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