Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thailand: River Boat and Shopping

On our first full day in Thailand we were given some great advice: There is really no reason to drive when everything is most accessible by river.  Since I never do any of the research for our trips I didn't realize that the river has a public transportation system that is widely used and super inexpensive.

So Ron dropped us off at the northern-most port and we were off for the day!

While on the boat it was a relaxing 40 minute ride to our first stop.  A lot of what I noticed was not beautiful skyscrapers but a lot of buildings that were worn and vacant.  In my I would always be asking, why was that building built and why is it abandoned and falling apart?  Both of the buildings in this picture (the forefront and background) are great examples of decent sized, and constructed buildings that are vacant and rotting.

On of the beautiful parts of the ride was looking at all the boats.  None were in great condition but all of the long boats (which were smaller and power by a car engine connected to a propeller in the back) were decorated with flowers and small shrines.
Brent and I enjoying the ride down the river.

Once we were off the boat my first purchase was some scrumptious pineapple.  Vendors would have skewers of pineapple cut up to purchase on the street.  When you paid for a skewer, they would put it in a bag, cut the pineapple (but not the bag) and give you a stick so you could enjoy the pineapple on the go.  It is a great idea and I think it would totally take off if someone did it here!

Our first stop was a Wat with Crocodiles. It took us forever to find because the signage was not that great.  One we did find it, we discovered the Wat was pretty run down.  Buddha was still present though!
Headed up to see the actual shrine.
After exploring the Wat and see two very uneventful crocodiles  we hit up the MBK shopping center.  It was a mixture of street vendors and actual stores all under one REALLY confusing roof.  When we decided to leave it took up close to 30 minutes just to find the exit doors.  Not having any doors is a great strategy to keep customers in longer!

Brent had been so excited because close to the MBK mall was another, fancier mall that had a store selling expensive chocolates from his mission.  Being that close we just HAD to stop by and pick some up.  

It was surprising but the chocolate was less expensive in Thailand even though it was being shipped from Japan.  For only 17 USD we were able to purchase less than 1/2 pounds. 
Brent wanted to open it that night and share with the entire Gailey clan, but it was only 12:00 am when we purchased it and we forgot by the time we got home around 7:00 pm!

1 comment:

Carlson Family said...

It looks like you two saw about 101 more interesting things than you would've if you came to Buenos Aires. Good choice!!! What a fabulous trip you must have had!