Saturday, May 26, 2012

Washington DC: Day One-National Cathedral

Our really good friends Erica and Spencer moved to Washington DC for the summer.  The last time they visited us in Las Vegas we promised that we were going to return the favor... and we FINALLY ARE!

After our six hour flight, Erica and Landon (Spencer was still at work) picked us up from the airport and we started touring the town!  The first stop was the National Cathedral.
 Erica and I enjoying the view with little Landon who REFUSED to nap!  Landon and Brent made quick friends, so he wanted to be with him the whole day.
 There is no enterance fee but the do suggest (and enforce) a donation.  Before we entered I was telling Brent that I didn't have any cash for the donation.  A random lady was leaving at that time.  A moment she re-entered and asked if we needed money so we could enter.  IT WAS SO SWEET.  Don't worry, we reassured her we have money just in the form of our debit card, but they took cards so it ended up being fine.  Just thought it was a fun story!

There was stained glass windows lining the edges of the cathedral.  This is one of my favorite photos Brent took.  I love the colored light shining through.
 The architeture was really beautiful.  Very reminiscent of all the ones we saw in Europe.
 Each window told of a different period in the development of American history.  I can't remember what this one was... can you figure it out.
 The whole Cathedral was really REALLY patriotic.  This is a carving of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Erica and I infront of my favorite glass window.  I have to say this picture does NOT do the window justice.  It was very cosmic and mystical!  I really like it! 
 Brent shaking Mr. Lincolns hand.  I actually can't remember seeing one statue or picture of Christ but I saw a lot of Presidents.
 Brent and I un the Cathedral.  We look pretty good for literally getting off the plane!
 This is in Bishops Garden close to the Cathedral.  It was a really pretty park, notice Landon finally made an appearance without his stroller!  I love that little man!
It was a great start to our DC experience, and it is only getting better!  Stay tuned for the rest of Day One and the many many more post for day two!

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