Monday, May 7, 2012

Hello Blogger-verse!

I have been on sabbatical!  Yes, I have been unrepentant in my decision that I did not need a chronicle of the last two months.  A lot has happened since then so I will quickly catch you up on some of the highlights.

Firstly, back in March I had the Veterans Stand Down.  It is a three day event focused around bringing all the services (employment, housing, haircuts, showers, clothing, food, medical dental ect) to homeless veterans.  I was one of the four main people running the show!  It was intimidating for sure, and since considering I had no idea what I was doing I think I nailed it!  Of course I have a long list of things that I am going to improve on next year but overall the event was incredibly beneficial and important for the 700 individuals we helped!

The Four Girls Running the Show!

What The Event Looked Like and Accomplished!

Secondly, Brent has been doing great at work!  In the month of March the Branch did so well that they took us all out for a fancy dinner! It was nice to visit with everyone, but I have to be honest... I didn't care for the restaurant.  It took over two hours to get out food.  The portions were very very very small and the food didn't taste any different than anything else I eat.  This is where I have to point out, I am a cheap date. Fancy things are just wasted on me.

Third, we got a new car!  This means that we said goodbye to Sweetheart (the white escort), but it was time.  After 8 years together it was her time to move on to another family.  To replace her we bought a 2009 Chevy Impala from Jason, Brent's Brother. He gave us a great deal and I am so excited that we have two reliable vehicles! Brent did need to fly to Portland and drive the car back.  I was thinking about doing it but that is a long 17 hour drive and I thought Brent needed a turn!

He also enjoyed stopping along the way to take landscape pictures!  If you want to see more go to

Fourthly, we have been travelling, but I will post about those in separate posts.

Besides all that we have been working away.  Brent and I are so blessed to have so many positive things in our life!  Of course the most positive thing we have is always each other!  Seriously, who could ever stay down when they have someone so supportive, fun and amazing to be around all the time... ya Brent is pretty lucky!  Just Kidding!  Check back for more posts!

1 comment:

Cool Waters said...

Yay for new posts :) Glad you're back!