Sunday, April 5, 2009

Conference Weekend: PRELUDE!

Twice a year conference weekend comes along. Brent and I usually look forward to the peace and calm of the weekend as we get to listen to the messages of the Apostles and Prophets and this weekend was no exception! Usually we just meet up with friends to listen to conference but this weekend we, well more accurately I, got a little bit more than usual. So much Happened this weekend you are going to get it in three posts!!!
note: There is no pictures because both our cameras are not working :(

It all started on Friday night when Brent got an e-mail that he has been asked to join the Moot Court team. Since most of you have no idea what that is, I will explain. In law school there are three prestigious clubs Law Review, Moot Court, and Trial Ad, which in the order from the prestigious to the least. Well Brent got to the semi finals but then got beat out by the girl who won it all, and thought he didn't have a chance!

Here is the problem, Law review is really intense and the try out is the week after finals and it is a 40 hour, week long try out, and a lot of work if he gets on the Review. Brent is more nervous about Law Review rather than excited, but he is super excited about Moot Court. So the dilemma is... Does Brent try out for Law Review and give up Moot court but keep some doors open for the future he is not sure that he will want or does he not try out and we get to go to Boise and Oregon a Week earlier. HELP US DECIDE: in the pole next.

Friday Night we went to an indoor BBQ, while it was snowing, for one of Brent's writing classes. It was a lot of fun getting to know the people who Brent spends the majority of his day with! There were a lot of really fun people and a ton of really great food! I couldn't believe how much I ate! It was ridiculous! There was burgers, hot dogs, broccoli salad, strawberry bacon salad with a vinaigrette and fruit and veggies of ALL KINDS! His teachers house was so beautiful, and big and we told her that one day we hope to live in the metaphorically down the street!

Brent also got the 100% award for the most 100% on quizzes! I also met one of the wives of one of Brent's really good friends and study buddies! She is really amazing and they just had a baby a little while ago so they are really busy but we told them to call us if they ever need a night out!

Well look forward to conference weekend Day 1, it will be coming soon!


Maren and Blake said...

So he can't be a part of Moot Court and Law Review? Can he try out for Law Review and see if he gets in and then drop Moot Court? There were so many questions unanswered.

Brent and Mallory said...

Doing both would take away from studying, and he has to let Moot Court know by this friday, and the Law review try out is not until the first week of may.

Eric and Cheryl said...

Congratulations Brent! Can you believe that you are finishing your first year of Law School already! Mallory, can you believe you are finishing up your college degree? I still remember you in kindergarten. Can't wait to have you here for the summer.
