Friday, September 13, 2013

Northwest Tour: Northern Idaho

For some reason Brent thought it would be a good idea to go to his Family reunion when Harper was 5 weeks old.  I will give him this: It wasn't a terrible idea.  I love the Huntley family reunions because they are so nature based.  This year we went to Kingston, which is in northern Idaho.  Most of the Family (Jason, Ryan, Christi) stayed in campers and the rest of us stayed in a house close by. 

The campers were right on the water, which made it super easy to spend time swimming, fishing, kayaking, four wheeling, nature watching, and generally playing around. Brent and I love spending a LOT of time with the nieces and nephews. For the moment they think we are pretty cool, so it is only a matter of time before they figure out how boring we really are!  Here are some of the fun things we did around the site.

Below is Michael and Hayden fishing.
Mike and Micheal out Kayaking.  Everyone was really nice about watching Harper so Brent and I could do a few of these things together!
At night we would all play games.  It got chilly so I would wrap Harper in the Mobi and then put her inside my jacket!  It kept us both nice and toasty!  Card games are always awesome!  Of course things get a little crazy, and I doubt any of us will forget pineapple!

 On the second day Brent and I decided to go to the small town of Wallace to explore.

 This was my first time carrying Harper in the ergo, and overall it was a success!
 The town was really small but had a brothel that was in business up until 1988.  Brent and I just had to take the tour.  This is the doorway were customers would come to negotiate prices before services.
 I am half ashamed to say that I learned entirely to much about that business on the tour.  It was super interesting though.  This is the private entrance customers would use. Some of the interesting rules that we learned 1.) no local girls were allowed to work there 2.) there was a menu of services with set prices and lengths of services 3.) all items in the rooms were actually left there by previous girls who fled due to a prospective raid by state troopers and never came back because the brothel shut down. 4.) On days off the girls were not allowed to be seen around town. 5.) although prostitution was outlawed everyone turned a blind eye as long as the girls made sure to see the doctor once a week 6.) the tour guide learned most of her knowledge by previous workers who had come back to take the tour themselves!

I told you, entirely to much!
 If you are thinking Wallace, ID sounded really familiar it is because the movie Dante's Peak was filmed here.  I still remember how much that movie freaked me out!
 After Wallace we got to enjoy gorgeous views like this!
 Harper really enjoyed it as well.  She spent a lot of time outside but we had to retreat to the house during the warmest part of the day.
 Rope swings were a big hit!  This is William and I think Landon. 
 Huntley and Hayden goofing off.  They were attached at the hip during the whole trip!
 Landon was the rope swing king!  He would go whenever he could.
Tyler and Landon had to work pretty hard to convince me to go off the swing.  I am just not very good at these types of things, but I did i!
 Tyler showing off her stuff!
 Even Ryan got into the mix.  Ryan has the best farmers tan I have ever seen!
 Huntley was amazing.  She had the upper body strength of a gorilla! 

One of my favorite parts of seeing the entire family is making some great memories, and this trip is one to remember!
I can't wait for next year!

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