Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Harper Anne Huntley Baby Blessing

We are very fortunate to understand that our Heavenly Father has given us the priesthood which allows Fathers to bestow special blessings on their children.  Brent and I had planned to have both parents in town to participate in the blessing.

My mom and dad were already in town helping with Harper.
 On Friday, as Brents parents were driving in we received some very tragic news.  Our Nephew, Josh, has passed away while swimming with some friends.  This was totally unexpected and heartbreaking for the entire family.  We had planned to do the blessing on Sunday at church but this news Brent and I understood his parents had somewhere else they were needed.  They were close enough to Vegas that they came in to stay the night and planned to leave in the morning.  With a call to our Bishop we moved the blessing to Friday night.
 It took less than an hour to change plans, and have the correct authority present.  As soon as Grandma and Grandpa Huntley arrived sweet little Harper Anne was blessed by her father, both grandfathers, and uncle in the living room. 
Grandma Huntley had made a gorgeous blessing dress for Harper.(It is more visible in the first picture)

Brent and I were very blessed to have family present to participate in the blessing, and I am grateful to have a worthy priesthood holder who loves his daughter so much.
This is not the blessing I was expecting and although there was an air of loss and heart ache it did help remind me of the eternal blessing the true gospel of Jesus Christ bring into our lives.  I am grateful for the people who were able to share in this special moment!

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