Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Family Reunion- Tumalo Falls

The family reunion was off to a great start and it only continued! On Friday Morning the whole family (minus my dad, who had to work) were off to Tumalo Falls.  It is about 40 minute outside of Eagle Crest
The falls probably 50 feet tall, and pretty impressive.
Brent spent most of the half mile hike taking nature shots.
I spent most of the hike chatting it up with the cutest little boys I have ever seen!
After we hiked to the top a select group of us hiked underneath the falls. Braden really wanted to go so I got to hold his hand to make sure he didn't fall of the edge.
My mom told Braden that behind the waterfall was magical, he still didn't seem to thrilled with getting wet or being behind the massive amount of water.
It was a great outing.  We were probably only gone for a few hours but it was the perfect way to spend a morning with the family!


Brent said...

It's funny that I only liked one of those pictures enough to post it on my photography blog, but I posted like 5 that you didn't post! I guess we have different taste.

eric and cheryl said...

Pictures two and four were my favorite on this blog. Oops, I mean my favorite pictures were those with the family.
