Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chatching Up: Graduation

It has been nearly a month since I have blogged, so I figured it was time to play catch up since basically everything has changed. So here is one in the many line of "Catch up" Blogs.

Brent's Graduation:

Well we (meaning Brent) did it! He finished Law School. He didn't have anything he really wanted from me, so I promised him a good lunch out where ever he wanted. He chose to go to a Shabu Shabu house. This is classic Japanese. They slice very thin meat and you dip it twice in a boiling broth (imagine the sound effect "Shabu shabu") and then you eat!

This was a very interactive meal. We all enjoyed creating our own broth, adding the spices, cooking the veggies, and meat, eating rice and then adding noodles to make a soup for desert!

It took about an hour and a half to eat everything. We got the lunch special for everyone and it was more than enough food! I couldn't believe it!

We also tried the Kobe Beef. Kobe Beef is considered really special since the cows are treated really well. It was delicious but the fine things are lost on me! I couldn't taste a difference.

Brent Parents! Brent's Dad really enjoyed this place! His mom and I asked for a fork, and then WE also really enjoyed it!

Brent and I. He did a great job helping me figure everything out.

We walked around campus for the last time, since we both left Saturday morning.... EARLY! then it was off to Graduation.

J. Reuben Clark Law School Class of 2011

Over 150 students.

All of the speakers were pretty good except the Key note speaker. She said that the biggest issue Brent's class will have to deal with is the fall out of the research currently being done about the carrying capacity of the earth... ya I am not so sure how that is.

Brent with the dean! He has a hood on and everything! Apparently, he has a red robe because Harvards colors are Red, so if Brent ever dons the robe again his will be black.

We took some pictures around campus! We are so grateful to Brent's Parents. They got Brent a very nice Nikon D 3100 camera with two lenses! We are talking a $1000 dollars worth of dream camera! Brent was blown away.

They have been so supportive through these last four years, words can not even express how amazing they have been!

And here he is. I am so proud of what he has accomplished. He has worked very hard through these years and although he never complained about it being hard I know that he is relieved it is over. I know this was the first step in the plan that our Heavenly Father has set up for us and I am so glad Brent had the strength and testimony to dedicate the last three years to this!

I am so very proud of him.
To be honest, the past three years was not as hard as I was expecting. Everyone talks about Law School as if it is amazingly difficult but Brent and I really enjoyed our time. We were given some great opportunities to stretch, grow, explore, and sacrifice and I am really glad that we did, but overall I think we could have done it again.

In fact, I am would rather do two more years as "students" than enter the real world. I was good at student life, who knows what I am going to do with real life!

Wish us (mainly me!) luck!!!!


Cool Waters said...

Yay Brent! Now, I think law school wasn't so bad for Brent because he's just a genius, and we all know it! :)

Maren and Blake said...

Yay, I have a lawyer for a brother. now I can start messing with the law and have some help to get me out of it.