Sunday, August 9, 2015

Harper turns Two!!!

Can you believe this little girl is TWO!?!?!?  I feel like she is still so little... but with the attitude of a teenager. She is so funny, independent, hammy and adventurous and we are so glad she is apart of our family.

I have to admit, I am a lame mom.  I love birthdays but I have no idea what to do for a two year old, so we didn't really do anything...

We bought a cake and for some reason Harper decided not to use the fork..  It took us 4-5 bites before we were able to remind her that she knows how to use a fork.
 After cake with mom and dad it was presents.  The dress she is wearing is from Grandma Huntley, who sent her present a little early.  I left the room for one minute and Harper already had the present open before I got back.  Christmas will be interesting for sure!
 This was her favorite part of the day.  
 Harper wanted to open each present and play with it.  She loves the legos that Grandma Forsberg sent.  Harper took a month to really get used to building with them, but she is now known to carry a lego ice cream cone with her everywhere.
 Mom and Dad purchased her some dress up clothes and a track for cars.  
 This girl blows me away. She is a girlie tom boy food monster, who loves reading, doesn't care for tv and is addicted to her binki (probably because she only gets it at bed time).  London makes her happier than mom and dad ever will and she will wave and say hello to anything that scares her. She doesn't take any guff and is still learning to share and be gentle. 
In short, we love this girl more than anything and we can't be happier with who she is becoming!

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