Thursday, August 6, 2015

Cabo Day Three: Dolphins and City Center

Along with a boat ride we also got two tickets to the Dolphin Experience.  In this adventure, you get in the water,pet and play with Dolphins, but you do not ride them. The benefit to this is we could take Harper in the water.  So at 9:00 am Harper and I met our aquatic friends.

Harper thought it was okay but she really didn't love it.
Halfway through she just wanted to sit on the side.  
Brent wasn't really excited about it at all and because Harper didn't really care for it we almost left. We stuck it out instead.
Harper had a complete change of heart and round two was full of laughter, giggles and demands for more dolphin time!
She even gave the dolphin a kiss all on her own.
Brent was skeptical all round but he ended up enjoying himself.
Aren't they the best?

Harper managed to blow out her diaper which means she got a cool new shirt!
That evening we decided to hit up downtown San Jose. It is a cute little square full of art galleries and tourist shops.
Brent picked out this doll and I wasn't sure Harper would like it... I was wrong!  She continues to play with today.  I think she loves that I have London and she has her baby.
This church is in the main square.  It took a while for our family to grow but it has exploded!
Brent enjoys taking other pictures which means we all get to relax while he is working away.
I think London will travel the world, she just looks like a natural.
Harper is such an adventurer.  She is happiest when she is somewhere new.
Harper and I were killing some time learning about fountains.  She is so adorable!
Another great day down and we still had one more full day of fun.  I kept waiting for something miserable to happen but it just didn't.  Family vacations are the best!

** Please note: there was nothing overly miserable, but plenty of frustrating moments**

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