Monday, June 27, 2011

Terri Anne and Sam: Day 1

We are finally starting to feel settled and so it is only fitting that we have friends to come and visit us in our new home. Well luckily our friends Sam and Terri Anne (accompanied by their adorable daughter Chloe) came down for a visit.

Friday night After we got off work and had some dinner we decided to do half of the strip!

Before hitting the actual strip we had to go to the mermaid show. Every half hour in a large fish tank a mermaid would magically appear.

She would do magical trucks, blow kisses and just be and amazing presence. Chloe was smitten. The mermaid also seemed pretty smitten by Chloe as well! She got a lot of attention from the mermaid and the crowd! I pretty much decided this is my dream job and since she is wearing a full body wet suit I am pretty sure immodesty is not even a concern. I am seriously considering applying!
We then headed to New York... well New York on the Strip. It was so bright and alive!

Sam, Terri Anne and Chloe on the Brooklyn Bridge
Since it was about a million degrees out (which translates to about 90 degrees) we kept going in and out of the buildings. Terri Anne and I agreed that if we lived a different lifestyle the chandelier club would be our hang out of choice (or the clubs were more wholesome I should say!). It was really beautiful.

WE were working our way down to the Bellagio for the fountain show. We made it just in time (although it was a REALLY LONG walk). the song was "I am Proud to be an America" I thought it was a weird song choice for the location but the choreography fit the song perfectly.
While Trying to decided whether or not to just turn around and call it a night (It was 10 pm and Chloe refused to sleep in the stroller!) we were bombared by a street magician. Sam and I ate it up! It was really neat. I could figure out some of the stuff but not everything. I know he does it for money... but NONE of us had any cash whatsoever. I felt bad, but he stopped us so I figure he ran the risk. If I see him again I will tip him though because he did provide a good ten minutes of fun!

On the walk back Chloe finally gave in. I love this daddy daughter shot. Terri Anne and Sam are great parents and it really shows when Chloe is so fun to be around even though she is so so so tired!

Our final stop was M&M world. It was four stories but all we need was the Wall of M (my name not theirs) It was 13.99 a pound but sometimes you have to indulge.
So I got a mixed bag of peanut, peanut butter, and pretzel M&M's. It was $4.00 but a great treat for everyone to share on the drive home.

Our feet hurt so bad by the end of the night but I was glad to finally see the strip (this was my first real experience with it!) WE chose to only do half and then do the second half the second day (post to come!)


Cool Waters said...

Yeah! You're so fast at blogging! You must miss us bugging you every second of the day :)

Maren and Blake said...

So much fun. I want to do all this when I come. You are looking really good Mal. Um, you are too Brent. (I felt obligated to say that.)