Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Washington DC: Day Two- Capitol

Can you believe we are only half way through day one!?!?!  I sure can't!  I have to admit this was the most difficult part of the day and here is why:

After the Jefferson Memorial I told Brent "okay, I am getting hungry."  I said it pretty flippantly but what that means is "We have exactly 20 minutes before I am unbearably hungry and you better find me food before then." Of course we decided to walk to the Capitol at that time (which was only 12 blocks away... uphill...and hot... and humid.)  By the time we got to the capitol I was NOT a happy camper. 

Here is the picture I took at the Capitol...
Here is how I REALLY FELT... 
I seriously love travelling but sometimes you are just hot, tired and overall exhausted but when you get to see things like the Capitol Building it suddenly becomes worth it.
After some overpriced food I was ready to begin the exploration again!  Unfortunately, the Capitol tour process is kinda stupid.  You have to take a tour and they really don't give you enough time to do what you want.  Instead they make you move at their rate and if you actually try to look around they yell at you (Brent got yelled at for being 5 feet away from our tour group).
Needless to say we broke the rules.  There is a room where each state can donate two statues.  Utah donated Brigham Young.  We wanted to see the statue.  When we entered the room, our tour guide went left and we went right.  I try not to be a rule breaker but seriously... why would I go somewhere and look at only what the tour guide wants to look at?  It doesn't make any sense!

This is the ceiling in the rotunda.  The entire Statue of Liberty would fit inside this room it is so tall.  It is also where they do Presidential funerals and other major events.
The mural at the top is the Apotheosis of George Washington (or him becoming a God).  I didn't really care for it.  It doesn't seem to acknowledge God's hand in the creation of a free country but rather glorify the man who was simply a too in God's hands.  Just seemed to be backwards thinking.
Despite not caring for it, we still had to take the picture!  Both Brent and I were so irritated with the Capitols tour system that we told our tour guide we had an emergency and needed to leave.  He just pointed us at the door and we were gone of to more important things.  I will probably want to do a full tour of the capitol but I heard you have to find an employee to take you so you can do what you want.  I will make sure to do that next time!

1 comment:

Erica and Spencer said...

Yeah, next time you guys come out let's get in touch with your senator and arrange a better tour. I really enjoyed ours with Sen. Lee's office.