Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekend Adventures!

Well we have got to eliminate 7 more days from our count down to graduation calender! We are left with 4 and a half more weeks of school! With this semester seeming to wrap up much more quickly than it began I had to get on some of my outside of class assignments! For one of these classes I had to participate in 2 inter ethnic activities. One of these that I had wanted to go to in since I found out it existed, the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple! This is a Hindu based religion that has a Utah sect. So I thought I would post some fun facts along with the pictures we took!
Hindu's recognize that the cells in our body change out completely about every 7 years so we reincarnate through out our lifetime. They also use this to recognize that the bodies are always changing and therefore the should is what is important... This is Brent and I in front of the temple! It is very pretty on the outside!
Those who practice Hindu are vegetarians since everything has a soul (since the body isn't important) and so they only eat things that are dead or in the process of dying when they are eaten such as grain or apples! This is one of the ornate statues outside of the temple! Jenny had such a fun time revisiting the Eastern Religion.
There are peacocks and Llama's that run free around the property. It is the peacock and Lotus leaf that are very symbolic to the Krishna because the lotus flower represent that an individual can be in the world and not of the world (because the lotus grows above water not in it). Also the pose which we see most hindu God's (the crossed legs) is the Lotus position in Yoga and is considered the way to communicate most cloesly with God. Jennifer and I had fun petting and feeding the Llama's weeds, until we realized the Krishna probably wouldn't have picked the weeds to feed the Llama... oops!

Overall it was a very fun experience and it was a ton of fun to have my two best friends in town at once! Jenny hung out the rest of the day and Jennifer came back on SSunday for dinner and a fun round of Phase 10! Kim, Jennifer's sister, ended up winning but it was a race to the finish! I have officially decided that I need to make a trip up to visit Jennifer in LLogan so expect that post in the next month!


Victoria Elder said...

Ah I have always wanted to go there but I wasn't sure if it was allowed lol, we live like 3 minutes away from that bad boy! It's beautiful, that's so cool you did that

Dana and ohana said...

What beautiful picutes Mallory! THat place is amazing!

Maren and Blake said...

Where is this located? It looks like a fun day. When Blake and I were in Hong Kong, we visted a Hindu temple as well. The largest Buddah in the world was there too. You could pay to see the Buddah and got a free Hindu meal.

I will be honest, the food was crap, but that's their tradition. Blake and I could only eat the noodles and even those were gross.