Thursday, February 19, 2009

Anywhere but Here!

Ok, So I am seriously considering quitting school, or work, or both! This week has been utterly pointless in all respect. It is not unmanageable simply the most boring semester of my life. My classes are dull and basically the unimaginative rhetoric of professors who really have little insight to share. Both of my jobs are going well enough, but the holiday that we had Monday was so nice, I am having trouble readjusting my mindset to homework and school mode! I am perfectly aware that life is not a 24-7 action packed event but I doubt it was ever intended to be a constant monotony of sitting and listening in various locations. So I decided to make a list of things I am so tempted to do instead of trying to make it through another week of my currently mundane life (note this is a partial list, the full list would fill a dictionary):

4.) Go see Twilight... again. I know it has mixed reviews but this sappy, corny, dramatic teenage drama is currently one of my favorites and as Brent can testify I have been a little (or a lot) obsessed with it! The dollar theatre has made it very very accessible to me, and so I saw it twice this past weekend and you better believe I would love to ditch school and work for my third viewing!

3.) Go To Hawaii-- Doesn't laying on the beach before going Boogie Boarding sound like the MOST AMAZING THING in the world to anyone else! I am craving some wave time, and I think Hawaii would hit the spot splendidly! At this point I am ready to book tickets online for this summer, but decided to wait because I realize I may be suffering from a slight case of senioritis.

2.) Hold Braden-- Who is that? That is my cutest baby Nephew in the world, and for some reason his parents feel the need to live 10 hours away from me! This is pretty much a "How Dare You" Situation especially when you see Brado smile. I made him a baby blanket, and he should be getting it any day now... I would much rather be in Pullman playing with my nephew than at any desk in the world!

1.) Not Have my mom tell me "Told you So!"-- Oh who is that proud looking mother in the picture? Yes, that is my Mama Bear, and I love her dearly but does she have to be right about 99.9% of everything in my life? I know when I refuse to listen to her advice and think she lacks knowledge of my immense will power, I am eventually wrong and she was never concerned about will power but my actual happiness. Oh Mama Bear, one day I will make the right choices I swear!

So Now you all know what I would rather be doing and I can not truly believe I am in my little rut alone, so what would everyone else be doing right now?!


Maren and Blake said...

Mom IS always right. This drives me crazy too. braden would love his Aunt Mallory to come and visit. How about I take that ticket to Hawaii and you come watch Braden?

Victoria Elder said...

id rather be watching twilight too i love it! now i know its at the dollar theatre I am going!

eurrka said...

Oh man...I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who has hit seriousl senioritus. I didn't really think it would happen but I'm going insane!!!

Let's see...other than working and going to school I would like to go back to Vegas, go shopping for a pretty dress, and maybe going to Culinary school...if only it wasn't so expensive... : (

Eric and Cheryl said...

This too shall pass. Unfortunately, it usually passes to something else you want to escape from. Life is hard and then we die.
