Last Saturday was my first Saturday off since coming to Portland (which I am very grateful for the chance to actually work) Brent and I were excited to go watch Kalen perform in the Grand Floral Parade. After Dad wandered around Portland for a good twenty minutes or so we finally found a paring place only a few blocks away from the parade route. Here is Brent and I getting ready to make the hike to the parade.
Aren't we cute?!?!
Mom and Dad watching the Parade
The floats were not as impressive as I once remember them being but I did thing this is one of the more fun floats that I saw.
This is the One More Time around Band. Basically it is for people who did not want to give up their music after high school or college. Dad joked as they were coming around the corner that they always play one song, Louie Louie. well when they were coming around the bend they WERE NOT playing a Louie Louie. Dad looked heart broken, and as soon as we gave up the memory of an easier simpler time they struck up another cord and it was... you guessed it...
LOUIE LOUIE! It was awesome and fun to watch all the musicians dance around and play it up for the crowd.
I know some little girls dream about a horse drawn carriage but I am suggesting an alternative, a Llama drawn carriage. It was surprising how majestic the animals looked! One of them was named Dahli as in the Dahli Llama ( ha ha ha ha). They were very beautiful.
After the Llamas another beautiful creature came by. These horses were absolutely gorgeous! They were all black and had roses woven in their mains and tails! I made the comment that I think these horses are more beautiful then I was on my wedding day!
Then Oregon City began to represent! This is the OC Trolley! Brent was surprised to know that OC had a trolley at all! He wants to go ride it!
After the Trolley there came in the distance!!! THE OREGON CITY FLAG TEAM! Can you Find Kalen!??!
There she is in the back waving her flag all over the place! All of the other Flag teams wore awful outfits that were dated and had no personality! NOT THIS TEAM!! Their outfits had spunk and had make-up to match! They weren't really performing when they passed our spot so Mom made us chase her three blocks to make sure we caught at least one routine!
Overall it was a very fun way to spend
Sunday morning! It just reminded me how much I love spending time with my Husband in non work and home related days! He is such a wonderful man and he is working so hard at his job, which makes me miss him at home a lot!
Stay tuned!
Tomorrow is a blog about our day trip to the beach! It is going to be a lot of fun since we had an absolute blast at the beach!