Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Brents Tooth

For all of you who have not met brent up close he had a tooth that was pretty far up the gum and was ontop of another tooth. Brent had never been fond of, but thought it couldn't be removed... well I poo pooed that idea. Last year we went to look at getting him braces and the orthodontist confirmed my belief that we could have it removed. Well today we did just that! Enjoy some of the pictures

This is the hole the tooth left, it should seal up in about a month, but it really grosses me out!
This is the tooth they extracted! I just can't believe how big it is!
Another close up. Brent said it only took the dentist about 10 minutes to acctually pull it out and he did it with a wrench and his bare hands! I can't believe I touched it!
This is brent after the matter. He is a little drugged up right now, but is pretty happy with the results. We plan to give it a month or so and then decide if we should invest in braces or not!


Maren and Blake said...

That is one big tooth. We can't believe it. It is the talk of the house. You should really post a before picture so people can really get the full impact.

Victoria Elder said...

Wow loooong toooth that was so interesting! Hope he heals well!