Monday, September 22, 2008
Quick Update
First, Brent is still in law school! Yes oh yes he is still there, becoming a bigger smartie pants than he was before. This can be great but I no longer understand everything he says. No worries though I have purchased a lawyer to english dictionary and normal communication will resume between us shortly!
Second, Brent has been playing on a softball team! He is playing with a bunch of 1L's (freshman law students). He has only had one game, which they won spectularly. After the first inning, I think the score was 9-3 with us ahead! The other team made a ralley but there was no chance. I also got to know some of the other wives and I have a feeling this will be a fun three years for us!
Third, We are Sunbeams teachers! The kids are a handful, the other class has two kids and we have 7! 3 of which are a handful! It keeps our church lives busy, which is fun!
Fourth, I am so busy it is ridiulous! I am currently working about 30 hours at ICON and about 10 TAing for one of my professors. The work isn't terribly hard I just wish I wasn't taking 15 credit hours as well. So To sum up my life... I am very very tired, all the time and if I had time to sleep I probably would!
Thanks for tuning in, there is more to come as soon as I find a moment!
Friday, September 19, 2008
OUTDOOR Kitty?!?!?
For anyone who has been to our place they know it is nothing amazing and it has gotten worse since we were gone for so long. But here is one little peice of proof that there is beauty even in the ugliest places!
Look at the Kitty! This is our neighbors new little kitten. She is seven weeks old and guess what! Caliah is still afraid of her! I am sure they will be best of friends soon enough! Since Caliah has only ever been around dogs it is no surpise something half her size scares her!
This video is of her playing outside! She has a great little patch of overgrown weeds to play in, but sometimes she wishes I would just leave her alone! Just to prove Caliah is a scardey cat watch until the end!
This video is how Caliah is free to get in an out. She has been eating SO MUCH lately but she is still as active and bouncy as ever!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Perfect Saturday Night!
This is the corner we are trying to clean up! What a disaster!
I have already improved this cupboard once, but adding the bottom, so we could put our bedding on it, but it was simply not enough to help me sleep at night
Brent was in charge of installing the bar, since I took it out of the bathroom, and it was my idea! But Brent ran into a problem with the wood early on and needed a second opinion from Sam... They almost figured it out BUT...
Really needed Caliah to take a look at it. She really is the handy on in our household! She decided they were on the right track and left us to our work!
While Brent and Sam were left the the fun part, Terri Anne and I were in charge of organizing the masses of clothing, bedding and odds and ends into keeps and DI piles. Terri Anne is the guru of organization and who knows what we would have done with out her!
we are not longer wasting any space, and will finally be able to look at which jackets we want to wear!
Even through the closet looks great Terri Anne realizes the job is NOT DONE!
Yes that is still a huge pile of clothes we are sorting but brent does not seem to be in a hurry!
Finale Pictures! This is our NEW Closet, and the best part is it was completely free since we used the pull up bar that was in the bathroom!
This is our new Bedding cupboard! Everything fit perfectly and the things we need will still be fairly easy to get to!
THIS IS MY FAVORITE ONE! This is where we used to have a DI pile sitting for almost a year! WE were able to move brents book case and now our laundry baskets fit perfectly, making everything in our bedroom a little better! Out apartment may not be perfect but the brilliant ideas sure seem to help out!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
For anyone who doesn't know this is Mama Forsberg, she was responsible for bidding on the package making us able to have all these wonderful experiences!
Blair liked looking out as we passed the city, and who wouldn't? There was a lot of fun stuff!
Blake and Maren, that is right Blake has been in the family long enough to have taken this family vacation with us!
This is right after we went snorkling. We didn't see to much but it was still a lot of fun!
Our final stop on the "Booze Cruise" (Where we consumed no booze!) Was a hike to a waterfall. It was not a bad hike at all, and it was a pretty fun waterfall!
This is Blake, Kalen and myself swimming in the waterfall. I am not sure how sanitary it was, but I am still alive so I can only conclude it was worth it!
This was a natural water slide! You climbed up the rope and then slide down the rock, I was really scared it was hurt and most people thought I was a baby... and I was!! But I went down and not only did I live but I had a blast!
This was after the hike down and we were waiting for the boat to pick us up again! On the way down, my dad and I found a bunch of dirty gross dogs following us and peeing in a stream we had to walk through (IT WAS SOO GROSS). Take the quiz to see if you know what noteably phrased myself and papa bear coined from this!
When my mom purchased the mexico, the owner of the condo told us we had to get our hair cut by this one specific person... So we did! It was a challenge to find the person, but eventually we did! In the end none of us liked our hair and none of us knew whether the person cutting our hair was a boy or a girl... ***GO TAKE THE QUIZ TO SEE IF YOU CAN GUESS THE NAME OF THE MYSTERY STYLIST*** Here are some during and after shots!
This is Maren's After... She hated her hair about an hour later.
Kalen did not want to get her hair cut so she settled for a pedicure...
And we all know my love for being pampered, so I did both! I wanted my hair to stay long, and the first cut the person made was HUGE! I was traumatized and my eyes started to water... Luckily, I have a very observant sister who noticed and got her Spanish speaking husband to step in and tell the hairdresser to fix it!
This is my after shot, looking back now, it is ok... but I hated it right after I got it. Maren, my mom and I spent the rest of the week debating whose hair looked most like a boys... These pictures do not show the boy side as much, but trust me they were bad! ****GO TAKE THE QUIZ TO SEE IF YOU KNOW WHAT THE NAME OF THE BOY/GIRL HAIRDRESSER WAS***
Being in Mexico we decided we should try some Margaritas (NON-ALCOHOLIC OF COURSE!!) But since non-alcoholic is an odd concept we were not sure it translated correctly (Luckily, it did) but here are some faked pictures of what me after 5 margaritas would look like!
Maren, Blake and I went zip lining at the famous Predator site, where the governor of California once was. The actual zip lining was a blast... the bumpy bus ride their and back, I could have done without!
This is my papa bear! I like his shirt because it looks like it belongs in a tropical place, He fit in perfectly in mexico!
This is the Fearless Foursome! We were the only four brave enough to swim with one of the most terrifying animals of all time!... THE DOLPHIN!
This is Mom and Blair getting suited up!
At the Very end the Dolphins put on a pretty amazing show for us!!!
You maybe asking "WHAT DID MAREN, BLAKE AND YOUR DAD DO?" Well here it is... relaxing in true tropical style!
Not only was there a show, but we got to ride them too! It was one of the most amazing feelings ever!
Blair and Me in a street shopping area. There is basically the same stuff where ever you go so you just get to shop around until you find the price you want!
This is us on the bus, which we took everywhere! This was a fun experience, but the buses were the worst, or one of the worst, in the world! Some of the best experiences we had on buses were a mariachi band, being pulled over by the police, and we are pretty sure we got ripped off by one of the drivers, who just took all the money my dad had in his wallet!
This is one of my favorite pictures of all time! I had a great time in MEXICO and am expecting an even better time at Lake Havasu this winter! NOW GO TAKE THE QUIZ (A SERIES OF POLLS) TO SEE HOW MUCH YOU KNOW ABOUT THE FORSBERG MEXICO TRIP!