Monday, October 31, 2016

Thanksgiving in Washington: Reptile Zoo

This year we went up to Monroe Washington to celebrate Thanksgiving with Jason, Christina, Landon, Hayden, Grandma and Grandpa Huntley.  Knowing I had two very active toddlers I made sure to hit up Groupon to find out some fun activities that would be appropriate.  Only one stood out: The Reptile Zoo.

 I wasn't expecting much but this place was great way to spend a couple of hours.

Harper did not enjoy being eaten by a reptile out front.

They had a 300 pound Anaconda and you could crawl underneath to really good view of the little monster.  Harper was a little to scared to go under alone.

Grandma was the only one brave enough to come with us!
 London was still pretty young to be super interested but every now and then she would become fascinated with different turtles or iguanas.  (Notice the purple?  I want it back!)
 Man I love my girls.  They are so adorable it is crazy.
 Harper had to tell us all about this snake.
 London was not impressed.
 I always find it funny what Harper identifies with.  She will ignore the coolest animals and then be totally mesmerized but a practically empty tank.
 Brent is the best.  I come up with the most crazy plans and he seems to enjoy the ride just as much as any of us.  Who does not love petting a turtle?
 London LOVED this turtle.  I was tempted to let her ride it, but that did not seem wise.
 The Reptile Zoo had another special draw, we were actually able to HOLD the snakes.  Can you see how adorable London is?  This is the moment her personality began shining through.
 My girls are amazing, brave, fun and super spirited.  A slippery, slithery snake did not scare them at all.

 You had the option to hold one of three snakes but because there were so many of us we held them all!  I feel like anytime I get to do more than the average joe, I succeeded!  I also think the employees really marveled at how London and Harper were so interested, excited and calm around the snakes!

This was a great little outing.  I may not go there once a week but I hope to return next time we make a trip up to Monroe!

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