Saturday, December 19, 2015

Utah Trip

Every year Brent and I like to head up and attend a BYU game.  This year was no exception.  We were joined by my Mom, Dad and sister (Kalen).  We arrived late Wednesday so the adventure began Thursday with a trip to campus.  

We ate in the cougar-eat. As we were leaving we discovered a big festival in the common area.  They had a ton of games set up such as the quaterback challenge, free pizza, trampoline dunking contest and a free shirts for everyone!  The games were fun but we don't have any pictures which is to bad because Brent tried the trampoline dunking and it didn't go well...

We did catch this one picture on our way out of the  MOA. 
That night we headed to a place called Provo Canyon. It had an arcade, a ropes course, toddler town, laser tag, bowling, and a ton of other stuff.
I think my parents were skeptical if this place could be fun but after a few games they saw the light.
Harper love the arcade games and aunt Kalen was more than willing to play along. 
Kalen, Brent and I tried out the ropes course which was 30-50 feet off the ground.  It was a little freaky but so so much fun!

Friday morning we went into the Canyon.
My mom and dad had never hiked to Bridal Veil falls, which is great because it is the easiest hike in the world.  Harper loves playing with dad.

After the falls we killed some time at the park until Kalen finished classes. 
Harper adored talking and being with Grandma and Grandpa.
Sometimes it is nice travelling places you are so familiar with. It makes the process much more relaxing.  The BYU game deserves its own post so expect that next!

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