Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Oregon Trip: Fourth of July

Fourth of July in Oregon.  The weather is perfect, the scenery is perfect and a large group of anxious kids is perfect.  Harper had no idea what was going to happen, but she wanted a front row seat.
 It was the entire Forsberg Clan and the Steffy's were also able to make an appearance.
 I was trying to get London to sleep, so I didn't really see the show.  Each child received a firework and were able to help light it when it was their turn.
 After the show it was sparkler time!  Harper wasn't quite sure.
 Do you see the line of kids waiting to play with some fire?  No fear here!
 Once London was asleep I got some time to play. 
 She wasn't super sure what to do with it.
 But with a little guidance I think Harper enjoyed the experience.
Fourth of July is fun but it makes me wish it got darker earlier.  By the time everything was finished it was well past 10 pm which means bedtime was a total bust!

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