Iceland was fun, but we were ready for bigger and better things! London was something Brent and I have always wanted to do so this was something we were really happy about! Unfortunately, our journey started later in the day, got delayed, and got delayed again, had to fly over London three or four times because of traffic until we landed close to 10:30 pm/. This is when we figure out that in all our preparedness we had NO IDEA what the address to our Hostel was! I knew the general area but that was it. So we asked and asked and asked but no one knew and no one had internet to check (what is up with that?). So we took the subway to somewhere close, then transferred to somewhere else that we also thought was close and then we got above ground. Being lost in London doesn’t sound to bad, expect you add in that it was nearing midnight, I felt totally lost and I was lugging around 100 pounds of luggage and I was MISERABLE! As we were walking out of the subway I spotted a McDonald's. I sent Brent in to see if they had a phone book, but they had something better! FREE INTERNET! I watched the luggage and Brent looked up the address. I was so tired that we got in the first available taxi and he took us there. It was almost midnight when we got there and the staff almost didn’t check us in! As if I wanted to be that late!
This is me Lost on the subway. Brent said I did a good job looking grumpy, I told him I wasn't needing to work at it, it was all natural!
A lousy first night turned into a so so morning. Living at a hostel is not my idea of fun. It was clean enough and everything but I am used to having my space! Eventually we got ready and got on the road... subway... whatever. We ended up getting the all day travel pass for 7.20 pounds, hoping it would be worth it.
Well we hoped on the train to go pick up some tickets on Regance Street. We we found our way to Piccadilly Circus. Walking out of the subway was our first "Wow" moment. I mean seriously, it was increadible! The fountain I am leaning up against is a main gathering place for lunch and filled with garbage! funny!
Across the street both Brent and I really needed... CAFFINE! Maren mentioned Tesco as the best place to shop and I totally have to agree. They have everything for SUPER cheap!
Once we got our tickets we just started walking until we found the Trafalga Square. This was our second "WOW" moment. There were so many amazing fountains (two of the one's Brent is leaning up against) as well as a memorial which had to be over 100 feet tall. The National Art Museum (Back left) and a massive church (back right).
This Lion is on the monumnet. He is huge, I just like to cuddle with him!
Brent was more about riding him!
This is from the step of the national art gallery. The tall thing is the monument. See how tiny the lions look in comparison?
A picture of the church from the outside.
A picture of the roof inside. The window behind the alter was all twisted and deformed in a really interesting and pretty way.
This is the church baptismal font. It is at the front doors of the building which we learned (at St. Paul's Cathedral) is because everyones journey to Christ begins with and through Baptism!
Another cute picture of us in front of the fountain!
All these pictures were taken within about an hours time! There was so much to see! We couldn't believe how overwhelming taking in all the tall tall tall old buildings! They are all beautiful! I am sure we looked like total tourist but I don't think I could help it!
This is me Lost on the subway. Brent said I did a good job looking grumpy, I told him I wasn't needing to work at it, it was all natural!
Well we hoped on the train to go pick up some tickets on Regance Street. We we found our way to Piccadilly Circus. Walking out of the subway was our first "Wow" moment. I mean seriously, it was increadible! The fountain I am leaning up against is a main gathering place for lunch and filled with garbage! funny!
Across the street both Brent and I really needed... CAFFINE! Maren mentioned Tesco as the best place to shop and I totally have to agree. They have everything for SUPER cheap!
This Lion is on the monumnet. He is huge, I just like to cuddle with him!
Brent was more about riding him!
This is from the step of the national art gallery. The tall thing is the monument. See how tiny the lions look in comparison?
This is the church baptismal font. It is at the front doors of the building which we learned (at St. Paul's Cathedral) is because everyones journey to Christ begins with and through Baptism!
Another cute picture of us in front of the fountain!
"In LONDON!?!" - I just have to say that since I'm an avid Friends watcher... Okay now that that is out of my system, looks like fun! If you're lost in London though, just stay away from the red light district :)
don't get the friends it about the wedding in london? Anyways, didn't see a redlight district anywhere, seemed like a pretty safe city
That looks really fun! Too bad it didn't help to find the hostel that you speak the same language. How was your night at the hostel? Did you guys end up with a private room?
Where's the panoramic twirl in Piccadilly Square?
we totally forgot to twirl so we are saving that for Rome!
Our Hostel had 14 beds in it, really noisy but we survived
I love old temples and cathedrals, too. You'll probably be able to see loads of them! Don't you kind of wish the huge lion was actually a huge beagle? That would probably make London just THAT much cooler.
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