Our whirl wind adventure finally drew to a close. We are no longer packing up and moving every 48-72 hours. In fact, we plan to stay where we are for quite a while. Okay 3 months may not seem like that long for many people but compared to what our schedule has been for the last 12 days 3 months seems like an eternity. I am not going to lie, the day that we flew out of Rome I was an emotional wreck. There were a lot of contributing factors:
I was home sick
I missed Caliah (cat)
I felt like we were over spending (not true but it contributed)
and I knew we were moving to a new country and city and we didn’t have a place to live or a hotel to stay in
My hormones were all over the map
and I was scared.
That travel day was the worst. I just wanted to be home and that is the one thing I couldn’t do. So after a miserable morning we packed and went to the airport.Our flight didn’t leave until 10:15 pm but we were kicked out of our hotel at one. Instead of lugging around 100 lbs of luggage we decided to just go sit. I e-mailed a bunch of people about apartment showings the next day and things seemed to be getting a little better, at least my emotions had equalized and I wasn’t crying anymore!
Once we got on the plane I just dealt with the fact that it was going to work out one way or another and we had an emergency fund for a reason.
We arrived in Budapest. We arrived at around 1 am and so non of the public transport was open and I wasn't about to pay for a hotel for a total of 9 hours until check out so we found a nice little private spot and set up bed. This is a bad picture but it is the only one we got.
When morning came, we realized that for an airport it was quiet, clean, and not such a bad place to spend a night,. We are so grateful it was the Budapest airport that we were staying in not the Rome or Athens one! Early in the morning we headed to our friends Cade and Kristi to drop our bags off while we went apartment hunting. We spent the moring making breakfast, heading to the local mall to look around and eating lunch. It was a good day. When we were back at their apartment I noticed that had a second room with nothing in it except two suit cases. As we were getting to leave I made the innocent comment "you guys should really find a stowaway for that room!" and that is when they said "Well, you guys should get a mattress and we could split rent!"... Hmmm... that was a good offer (considering that found a great deal 5 blocks from school and right down town already!) We still went to our appointments but felt that we could handle sharing an apartment for 3 months with a couple that we really get along with! It has been 4 days and so far everything is going really well!
On our way home from our final appointment we say a huge crowd outside a hotel. I asked someone what was up and they said the Dalai Lama was coming. I didn't believe it so I wanted to leave but Brent said a couple minutes and this is what we saw! The Dalai LAMA! How awesome is that?!?! I never got a great look and the crowd was big so this is the best picture we got!

On Sunday we walked to church (about a 20-30 minute walk). Our branch has about 30 members and therefore only two hour church! The meetings were really good and after we stayed and chatted for about an hour!
On the way home we walked right past the school! Here is Brent and Cade excited that classes started the next day!

On Monday, Brent and I realized that if we were going to make this living situation work we needed a few things! So off to IKEA we went. (IKEA IS BEYOND KING HERE!) Kristi and Cade had never been before so it was fun to watch them taking it all in!
We got everything except the air mattress for under $20.00 US. I also found this creepy hippo... Look at those eyes!

On Sunday Jared (the first counselor) told us about taco Tuesday. HE and his wife are both from California so they miss Mexican food and this is the closest they found! Tuesday's were half prices taco's. It was a great night of talking about traveling, Budapest, back stories and everything! They are so interesting and have been just about EVERYWHERE in Europe. They have two adorable blonde hair girls I am totally jealous of!
Taco Tuesday was a huge hit!
Honestly, since we have been here we have been anti- picture and anti tourist. I think we are a little exhausted from everything else we have been doing, but I am only giving myself until Saturday and then I am going to force myself to take more pictures! I have a couple fun posts about what life is like living over here. I will also do a tour of our apartment and everything else.
Moving here was really hard, but I love being here! I have a couple prospect for work and so hopefully will have something to keep me entertained soon!
I was home sick
I missed Caliah (cat)
I felt like we were over spending (not true but it contributed)
and I knew we were moving to a new country and city and we didn’t have a place to live or a hotel to stay in
My hormones were all over the map
and I was scared.
That travel day was the worst. I just wanted to be home and that is the one thing I couldn’t do. So after a miserable morning we packed and went to the airport.Our flight didn’t leave until 10:15 pm but we were kicked out of our hotel at one. Instead of lugging around 100 lbs of luggage we decided to just go sit. I e-mailed a bunch of people about apartment showings the next day and things seemed to be getting a little better, at least my emotions had equalized and I wasn’t crying anymore!
Once we got on the plane I just dealt with the fact that it was going to work out one way or another and we had an emergency fund for a reason.
We arrived in Budapest. We arrived at around 1 am and so non of the public transport was open and I wasn't about to pay for a hotel for a total of 9 hours until check out so we found a nice little private spot and set up bed. This is a bad picture but it is the only one we got.
On our way home from our final appointment we say a huge crowd outside a hotel. I asked someone what was up and they said the Dalai Lama was coming. I didn't believe it so I wanted to leave but Brent said a couple minutes and this is what we saw! The Dalai LAMA! How awesome is that?!?! I never got a great look and the crowd was big so this is the best picture we got!
On Sunday we walked to church (about a 20-30 minute walk). Our branch has about 30 members and therefore only two hour church! The meetings were really good and after we stayed and chatted for about an hour!
On the way home we walked right past the school! Here is Brent and Cade excited that classes started the next day!
On Monday, Brent and I realized that if we were going to make this living situation work we needed a few things! So off to IKEA we went. (IKEA IS BEYOND KING HERE!) Kristi and Cade had never been before so it was fun to watch them taking it all in!
We got everything except the air mattress for under $20.00 US. I also found this creepy hippo... Look at those eyes!
On Sunday Jared (the first counselor) told us about taco Tuesday. HE and his wife are both from California so they miss Mexican food and this is the closest they found! Tuesday's were half prices taco's. It was a great night of talking about traveling, Budapest, back stories and everything! They are so interesting and have been just about EVERYWHERE in Europe. They have two adorable blonde hair girls I am totally jealous of!
Moving here was really hard, but I love being here! I have a couple prospect for work and so hopefully will have something to keep me entertained soon!