So I have had a lot of questions from people asking me how I did and and someother stuff so I thought I woil;d walk you through the process via pictures and answer questions along the way.
Step one: Cut 6" long stripsand then iron them out... The gooves in our coffe table worked perfect for a tracing line
Step two: Sew a blue strip to a yellow strip. Until you have four strips

Step 4 &5: Cut the long blue and yellow strips into 6" x 12" flip one and sew them together to a criss cross patter, I did each of my four long strips individually I was really surprised how they all lined up!

Step 6: Sew to of the strips together! (I didn't iron these yet that is why there is a really big crease down the middle!)

Step 7: Show the two haves together! The finished quilt part! I finished this on Sunday
(the day I started the project!)

Step 8: cut 8" of blue fabric and sow it to the top and bottom

Step 8: The finish the border. The repeat with a ten inch yellow border
This finishes the front of the quilt. Then I went and pick out bamboo batting for $16 and some green flannel to accent the green in the little farm scenes. I finished all of the border on Thursday.

HOW DID THIS GET IN HERE?!?!?! Brent and Caliah just snuggling while mom is hard at work!

This is how the corner of the finished top looked

Step 9-end. Then I sewed two green pieces together layers the quilt (top batting back) then I saftey pinned it toegther. From there I cut 3" strips to make the binding ironed those in half sewed them to the back, then folded them over the to the front side of the quilt and used a decorative stitch to sow them on the front. From here I removed all the saftey pins and tied the quilt using green yarn! And that is how I got this!

I thought it was going to be pretty small when I started but it is big enough to fit a twin sized bed with room to spare. And we finished it just in time seeing that we go out first snow last night, and that means miserable winter is on his way! Well that is how I did it, and I did it in a week, while I also finished three term papers took four quizzes and work for forty hours! I really enjoyed it all, towards the end I just wanted to tell someone so I got pretty grumpy! It is probably not the best quilt ever made but I am pretty proud of it! Oh, I still have no idea what to do with it so if you have suggestions you should let me know!