Yes, it is finally done. It was a long four days. Sean, Brent's brother, was kind enough to rent Brent a room right next to the UNLV campus where he could be only 5 minutes away from the test and really be in the zone. I got one phone call a day to let me know how he was an how he was doing.
Overall he feels really good about the test. He says there is just really no way to know. He feels good and I am sure he did wonderfully! He did get the luxury of going out for lunch every day!
Luckily, my mom was in town to keep me company. I feel really bad because I was (and still am) a little ball of stress. I know the bar is stressful on the person taking it but it is also stressful on the people living with them. I tried to make Brent's pre-bar life as "without worry" as possible. Obviously I am not perfect especially since I have been having a hard time adjusting to the move, location, job, school, cars breaking down and a few other things. I am sure my mom thought I was just miserable, I know she did because I was sick of being around me!
My mom came down to take care of her little nest egg. I can really say that my mom is the best handy-man I know. She came in and fixed up just about everything that needed to be done! She did have to take some homework with her, but even that she has finished and now needs to get it set up!
One of my biggest blessings during this time was being called to serve in the Young Women. I can honestly say that I work with an amazing group of girls! At 12 and 13 they already have such strong testimonies of our Heavenly Father. They are so open to learning and letting me become part of their lives. I have never seen a group of teenage girls get along so well either. The leaders have been really welcoming and have let me just jump in and participate. I am really glad that my Heavenly Father let me work with such wonderful people!
So in the two days that Brent has finished the bar, he has kinda hopped back and forth from different hobbies that he enjoys. I can find him reading, checking baseball stats, and watching videos to learn more about his camera with in a ten minute time frame!
I am glad the bar is over so we can get back to normal, but to be honest, I am not sure either of us knows what this new normal is.... Wish us luck on the journey!