Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Perfect Saturday Night!

For everyone who has been to our apartment it becomes very clear very quickly that law school is as expensive as we say it is! Since we can not currently afford any better housing we are working on making our place current apartment a little less cramped and cluttered! Here is one of our attempts at decluttering our bedroom!


Turn this bedding into a closet, using a pull up bar that was in the bathroom, to make our big winter coats more accessible. We will move the bedding to a cupboard above the closet!

This is the corner we are trying to clean up! What a disaster!

I have already improved this cupboard once, but adding the bottom, so we could put our bedding on it, but it was simply not enough to help me sleep at night

Brent was in charge of installing the bar, since I took it out of the bathroom, and it was my idea! But Brent ran into a problem with the wood early on and needed a second opinion from Sam... They almost figured it out BUT...

Really needed Caliah to take a look at it. She really is the handy on in our household! She decided they were on the right track and left us to our work!

While Brent and Sam were left the the fun part, Terri Anne and I were in charge of organizing the masses of clothing, bedding and odds and ends into keeps and DI piles. Terri Anne is the guru of organization and who knows what we would have done with out her!

Once they were done installing the bar, of course they started acting like little kids again!

we are not longer wasting any space, and will finally be able to look at which jackets we want to wear!

Even through the closet looks great Terri Anne realizes the job is NOT DONE!

Yes that is still a huge pile of clothes we are sorting but brent does not seem to be in a hurry!

This is the cupboard we moved all the bedding to!

We found another job for Brent and Sam, MOVE THE DI PILE to the car. It was a big job but of course they got it done!

Finale Pictures! This is our NEW Closet, and the best part is it was completely free since we used the pull up bar that was in the bathroom!

This is our new Bedding cupboard! Everything fit perfectly and the things we need will still be fairly easy to get to!

THIS IS MY FAVORITE ONE! This is where we used to have a DI pile sitting for almost a year! WE were able to move brents book case and now our laundry baskets fit perfectly, making everything in our bedroom a little better! Out apartment may not be perfect but the brilliant ideas sure seem to help out!


eurrka said...

You guys are all so handy! I'm very impressed!

Audrey said... looks GREAT Mal! Good thing you guys had Kaliah there to help out. She's such a talented Kitty! We miss having you guys so close. Bax especially misses his tease of a girlfriend.

Maren and Blake said...

It looks like Caliah was really able to get in there and make you guys work. How are you going to fix the front room and kitchen? I am sure I could get in there and do even more decluttering. Keep posting the pics. The closet looks great.

Cool Waters said...

Hurray for organization! See why I want to start my own business doing it?? Your blog looks absolutely magnificent! P.S. We should play more: perhaps more than once a day! :)