This weekend I had the pleasure of going to a defensive driving course for my work (since I will be driving a wonderful mini bus). The class lasted four hours and it was the most pointless four hours of my life. It consisted mainly of older people who apparently had never had their drivers licenses and would ask questions like "how do you know when you can pass another car?" (the dotted line) and "If a police officer is off on the shoulder with no lights on should I still be pulling over to the side until he passes?" (Okay if you don't know the answer to that mail me your car key's right this second because YOU should not be driving).
My favorite question of the day, by far, was an old man who out of the blue asked "Lesa (teacher), what is your take on properly adjusted mirrors?". Seriously what was she going to say "Oh sir I do not believe mirrors should ever be properly adjusted! That would make sense and be safe".
So I was in a class with a bunch of people who shouldn't be sharing the road with me and a teacher who was much to willing to indulge them. When we got to the merging topic it was like no one had just been on the freeway to get here! Maybe I am being to harsh... the class was four hours and I could have received more information in about 60 minutes of well focused lecture... People are stupid I guess is my point.
After that I was pretty riled! Brent met me out (after he had been packing books at the local library because they are moving) in Clackamas. We had to return somethings at old navy, and then we went out to Olive Garden! It was really nice just having a sit down time with Brent. We both had the Soup, Salad and Bread Sticks and even splurged on a piece of Raspberry Cheesecake! This was thanks to Erica and Spencer who gave us a gift card! WE LOVE AND MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY HAVE NO IDEA!!! WE MAY NEVER LEAVE YOU AGAIN!
We chatted about everything but it was nice having some real time to spend and just relax not thinking about our next deadline or other work we should be doing. It was a great time to reconnect because we have both been disoriented since the move. After lunch we went to Kohl's and looked for my perfect swim suit. My favorite option is there and Brent thought it looked really good. Although I couldn't see why because after all that food I am not sure ANYTHING could have looked good on me! I still haven't committed by purchasing because I really want this swimsuit to be one I will be in love with in Europe! For some reason I took less time to chose my wedding dress! Luckily Brent's mom gave me the funds for my perfect swim suit for my Birthday so I get to take my time and buy something at (dare I say it?) SALE PRICE!!! (instead of Clearance that is, I don't think I could ever pay FULL PRICE! That would just feel wrong!)
FINALLY TO THE GOOD BUY PART! Once at home Dad, Brent and myself set out for a book store, which was closed. We stumbled into an indoor garage sale and looked around. WE FOUND SOMETHING THAT WAS A TOTAL STEAL!

These Huge towers are normally $120-$150 new and $40-$90 used... This beauty cost us a total of... $5.00. The top is no longer covered in twine which we can either saw off or re wrap for another $2.00. We are so happy with this and think Caliah will really enjoy having a tower to look down at the rest of her palace from. Plus if we ever need to sell it I am confident I can get $20.00 for it no problem! YEAH! This may be a small victory but for looking for so long I am completely satisfied! I was patient and it paid off in the end... BIG TIME!
Anyone else have a good find story? Lets hear it!