Brent's brother Jason had been living up in Boise but recently took a new job and is now down here training for his position before he gets transferred to his new location. Just this week Jason's Wife (
Christina) and two boys (Hayden and Landon) came into town for the weekend to visit. Brent and I took advantage of this meeting to go up and visit with the family!
Last week was Hayden's Birthday so of course where do the boys get taken?
It was fun to watch them run around and figure out the games...
Christina and Brent had some trouble of their own on some games.

Jason through it would be a good idea to take the boys on the Go-Kart Fast track! Jason and Hayden dominated the course and overtook almost every car that got a head start on them!

Brent and Landon had a little more trouble because of an annoying driver who kept bumping them in the back. Landon wasn't thrilled that Brent bumped the driver back and made him spin out... Landon, I agree good sportsmanship is the most important.

There was plenty of time to goof around as well, I guess Hayden must have been bragging about the win and Brent decided to take care of him!

While Brent was all about the rough housing I was all about the love! No rough housing for me! (NOTE: HAD I MARRIED A BLONDIE THIS COULD HAVE BEEN A VERY GOOD IDEA OF MY BOYS BUT WITH

When I tried to get a cute picture Brent was distracted but what else is new?
After Boondocks Brent and I attempted to take the boys to a movie but it was completely sold out! To bad because I was looking forward to Percy Jackson's THE LIGHTNING THIEF! I bet Toren has a good opinion about the movie as he usually does.
Later we went out for dinner at Leatherby's. It is a diner that specializes in ice cream. Both Brent and I got dinner, because we were hungry and who can say no to their potato salad and fry sauce (not together of course). And after we got this Valentine's Day Masterpiece!

It was a beautiful mixture of
raspberry, vanilla ice cream, brownie and hot fudge. It was
absolutely amazing! Jason and
Christina aren't use to seeing me eating so much and
Christina quickly assumed I must have been pregnant... no worries I am NOT PREGNANT. For those of you who know me well, I just love to eat and eat a lot! Usually I can control this urge but look at that above picture... could you control yourself? I didn't think so!
Brent's cousin who Jason is staying with during training, insisted that because of my mass consumption we pose this little picture!

I didn't eat this much but I would have! It was so delicious!

It was such a fun day and it was nice to get out of the apartment of a while! It was nice seeing everyone and after that amazing dinner I am ready to recommit to the diet! (I WAS DOWN 15.5 POUNDS THIS MORNING... AFTER TONIGHT THAT HAS PROBABLY CHANGED!!!!)