It was Friday afternoon when Brent texted me to say that his friend from Law school, Abe, invited him as well as another law school friend James (wife Erin) up to his uncles cabin to go snowboarding and snow mobiling. Well I am not big on either (just wait for my Brent's Birthday blog for the explanation) but I thought it would be a fun time to get away and have some fun with friends that we don't see enough. So Saturday afternoon after work we headed up to Fairview. When we got there it was wonderful.
There were a mess of people there. Abe and his wife Traci and there baby Lelu, James and Erin, Abe's cousin Sammy and his friends Andy, Greg and Dave, and Brent and Myself. It was a house full to say the least. The cabin was owned by Sammy's dad and two of his doctor friends... well what happens when three doctors get together and go in on a cabin?
You get this Three Story Mansion! It was wonderful!

That night we had a wonderful dinner of Costco Roasted Chicken (by the way I am converted those things are great), rice and corn. As well as cookies, popcorn, and other treats. Then we watched a... CHICK FLICK!!!! In a house full of 7 boys somehow two of them chose to enjoy the comfort and hilarity of the movie Post Grad!
Brent and I really enjoyed just relaxed together while other people enjoyed the outside.

The night was full of laughter and Traci, Erin and I finally got to chat and hang out, I wish stupid work would stop getting in the way of that!!! :)
Well this morning (Sunday) Brent and I decided that we had to leave by 9:05 to get to church on time. So we packed up and ate a wonderful breakfast of eggs, pancakes and hashbrown's cooked by Greg and Dave. By the way strawberry yogurt with whip cream on top of pancakes is awesome. Well it hit 9:10 and we knew that we needed to get out the door. So we go outside and fire up one of the snowmobiles to trek down and then we see over the corner another snow mobile flipped sideways over the edge and no way for Abe and James (driver and passenger) to get it on the road.
Brent looks at me and says "I gotta go help them" and I agreed. so he took off to help them and I went back inside for twenty minutes while Brent was helping them. Abe came back up and said we were going to pick up Brent and he and I could go home while they retrieve the snow mobiles.
Here is what I saw.

All the boys talked and Sammy decided to ride it further down the hill instead of trying to pull it back up. So we are free to go.

Well we got down the mountain and Brent went to grab the car and loaded it then pulled it over to the loading zone. James came down on his snowboard so we posed for one last picture before heading out... James head got cut off because we weren't using our good camera.


Luckily the door wasn't shut all the way, just enough to latch shut. Well Brent James, and myself had NO IDEA how to fix the situation. James rode up to the house to try and find a hanger, a snow plow came by but he didn't help at all until Greg came skiing down the hill! He pulled his truck over and found a rake,
He promptly cut off the metal part and stared shaving the end into a point so we could roll down the window.

As Greg pushed the door open with a metal wrench Brent used the rake to successfully roll the window down. We were able to finally take off. It was kind of fun to try and solve the problem. I am not even sure what we would have done if Greg didn't have the rake in his truck or if the truck door had shut all the way.