Note: I did a really Bad job of taking relevant pictures so I stuck in random ones for you to enjoy... Sorry for the Lame post but this is more for me than anyone else... Either Tomorrow or Wednesday will be a lot of fun, so stay tuned!
It is back to the grind for the Huntley Family as we began school today. This has come as an utter surprise to both Brent and I. Of course we have seen this coming, I mean we do own a calender, we both just feel a little unprepared for the semester to begin so close. As I attended the last first day of my undergraduate career I realized how badly I no longer wanted to attend college. Fortunately I do not follow every wimb I get a resolved to finish out this last semester but I thought it would be fun to reflect on some of the highlights of the Christmas Break!
This is The Historic London Bridge at night! Pretty Beautiful Huh!

Brent and I went to Boise for the first week! We had a lot of fun just relaxing and not worrying about any upcoming due dates or work issues! Brent's Mom went way overboard, as always, and got us to many wonderful things for Christmas. Some of the Highlights were our new front tires for the car, $50.00 gift cards to Kohl's, a meat thermometer, and my personal favorite... marshmallow guns! We are waiting until Spring to fully enjoy these outside where we do not have to clean up the mess! As we always do in Boise we ate way to much great food and play card games and domino's! I think we have also convinced Brent's mom that a wii would be a happy edition to their gaming system family! Christi, Brent's sister, also convinced me to start the twilight series... well while on break I had to take the challenge!
These Little Lighthouses were all around The Island in Lake Havesu

After a week in Boise we had to drive home. The Snow was insane and took us 8 hours to drive the normally quick 5 hour drive. We had to take a detour which added an hour and then the snow slowed us down to! It was so nice to be home, even if it was for a quick night and we had to trade in all of our snow clothes for our wonderful spring clothes. Early Saturday morning we were off to the airport headed for sunny Arizona!
Look at that Scenery! I like this picture alot

At the airport we meet up with Maren, Blake and Most importantly BRADEN!!! (who is lovingly nicknamed "The Potato!" The flight was short and Brent and I were very impressed with Jet Blue, for their free TV and leg room! The flight was quick and then we meet up with Parents in Vegas. On the way to Lake Havesu we had to stop at the Hoover Dam.
We mainly just relaxed and I dove into the twilight series, determined to finish it before I had to go back to school. Luckily the many Bowl games kept Brent occupied and I was left fairly uninterrupted. Everything seemed to be as sunny as the weather outside until Sunday night... It was 3:00 am and I was up, throwing up! Luckily, Blair was right along with me, and Kalen woke up long enough to hold my hair (thanks sis!). This sickness was only 24 hours and the worst part was throwing up and not being able to sleep. This circled through the entire family ending with Brent who missed out trip to historic route 66, where we witnessed a shoot out and a real shot gun wedding (I know there should be pictures accompanying this but Brent is the one that is good about that not me!)
This is the Non-Touristy Dam, Brent has all the other Pictures on his computer so I will have to steal them soon!

Just as everyone was feeling better.. it was time to leave! My parents left on Friday which gave Maren, Blake, Brent and I time to explore a little on our own before heading home the next day... Here are some pictures of a Local non-touristy Dam and the London Bridge at night! Sorry that this particular Blog was not much fun, but I will be giving you are great one either tomorrow or Wednesday...