Hello everyone! I just thought I would let you all know what has been going on. Nothing singularly is worthy of its own post so I thought I would just catch you all up at once.
1.) Brent is currently engrossed in finals. I have not talked to him about just about anything else since before thanksgiving break. I have no doubt that he is doing amazinginly well but we will not officially find out until late january when grades and rankings come out. He has two more final exams. One on Tuesday and the other on thursday.
2.) I am also slowly finishing up this semester. I plan to submit one of my finals today, and then take one monday tuesday and wednesday. I think I will do fairly well on all of them, well I don't forsee any major issues but you never really know. I am hoping to achieve all A's this semester but honestly I am not sure I care if I recieve a B in one or two courses.
3.) So as most all of you know the company I work for is down sizing... well going out of business. This has been happening for a while now so I am not surprised and have been expecting to be let go for a while now, this, however, has not happened. Yesterday I was pulled into my supervisors office and she asked me to stay on through next January and increase my hours a little. Well I am kinda done with the job and have made arrangments to start T.A. ing for Prof. Lott 20 hours next semester which should cover all of our needs but I said yes. I figure it is better to use that extra money from that month to save up for a harder time or even better, put it towards brents law school fund. Regardless I will still be working with Icon until the mid or late January time.
4.) Brents football team did make it to the championship game but they lost. I did not go because it was ten degrees out and I am intelligent, but brent told me that to win the championship they would have had to beat the team twice because they were undefeated. He also told me that right before the game they over heard the officials saying that they had to make sure Brents team lost so they would not have to work on saturday. I think that would have been very demoralizing and I am sure Brents team would have had a much better shot if the refs had been decent.
5.) Ericas Wedding in on Saturday. I have been helping out here and there but not a ton. I am excited and this week should be really good for her! Brent is really excited that he gets to eat at Tacano's and that we get it all for free makes him even happier! It should be a great time but I am ready freeze for pictures!
6.) WE GET TO GO HOME! Brent and I are both getting very very antzy about leaving for christmas break. Thanks to somewonderful sisters in our ward we have substitutes for our class and then we have a friend who is willing to watch Caliah while we are in Arizona! Well I should get to homework but hope you all enjoyed this!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Cooking Cooking Cooking
So I should be working on one of the many papers that I have due this week but I think I will take just a few minutes to post a blog about my first time making lemon chicken. So, my mom makes amazing lemon chicken and I have never been much of a cook. So I made her give me the recipe and I tired it our. Enjoy some pictures of the process
here I am gathering all the food I need to make my masterpiece. The PJ's are because it is sunday before church and I haven't quite gotten ready yet.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Stage 3
As many of you loyal follwers already know I am going through a process of trying to make my small apartment more "liveable" to say the least. One problem that we have always had is how dirty our apartment is. Now you may say "Why Mallory, do you simply live like pigs?" and my answer is... "well kinda" but the point is when we moved in there was dirt left from the previous tenets that brent and I didn't know how to fix, and this weekend I found the solution! While Brents parents were in town for the Salt Lake City Christmas show we were able to go up and check out the fair. That is when this little tool caught my eye, and it took very little convincing that I needed it! Brents parents were nice enough to let us trade their product for it! So far we are very satisfied, check it out!
Here is one of out problem areas: The inside of sink harware. We tried everything to get this out and nothing really worked well enough to actually get it out.
This is the little tool which is basically a highpower electric tooth bursh with different head!
Don't worry Brent informed me the video is boring! but look at the after effect! Pretty impressive!

This is the wall behind the oven, Half is pre-tool and the other half is after. Can you tell the difference!?!? Well I certenly can!

Overall there is a very profound effect, and the tool is not always easy and you do have to work, but I am happy to know at some point (once I get around to all those little areas) I will only have to do maintance cleaning not all the big stuff. I do need suggestions about what you think my next project should be! Any Ideas!?!?!
This is the wall behind the oven, Half is pre-tool and the other half is after. Can you tell the difference!?!? Well I certenly can!
Overall there is a very profound effect, and the tool is not always easy and you do have to work, but I am happy to know at some point (once I get around to all those little areas) I will only have to do maintance cleaning not all the big stuff. I do need suggestions about what you think my next project should be! Any Ideas!?!?!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Every now and again I like to post a blog that just updates our life and so here we go again!
1.) I am probably losing my job either today or tomorrow. No notmy T.A. job but my office job at Icon Secuirty. You see there was a merger with pinnacle and so basically the entire office is being let go because pinnacle doesn't need us. I was talking to one of my co-workers today who just informed me that he was offered today either a severance package or a job in collections, but not everyone was offered both. I am fairly concerned that I will not be offered collections job, or that it will simply be to unbareable... so I need help... what do I do if I get let go the next time I go into work.
2.) Brents parents are in town! Yup Mama and Daddy Huntley are in town for a show and thank goodness! It has been way to long since we have seen them and Brent has set out a schedule of when and where we are eating! I enjoy the games (card games, and dominos) more than the eating out but I am not complaining.
3.) Brents football team is in the elite eight. I am not really sure what that means except that he is really good! Every game Brent has been able to injure himself in one way or another and this last game he fell after doing a spin mid-air and then landing on his hip, there is now a huge bruise. His next game is this evening and I intend to take pictures, so look forward to that!
4.) My classes have decided to become more difficult! I am getting through it ok but it is not always the best time of my life! I am writing an interesting paper about nursing pay discrimination, if you have any questions just ask!
5.) One of my best friends for about 15 years now is getting married! She is being such a gem and letting me help so much in the planning, I am having an absolute ball and can't wait to update everyone with pictures from the wedding which will be on DEc. 20, 2008, CONGRATS SPENCER AND ERICA!
6.) Caliah is doing well as always but she has become more whining than usual. She is confused by rain and often looks to us as if to ask "Can you please just make it stop already!?" T0 entertain her while it is yucky out we put down a ball of yarn, and she loves attacking it! I will have to take a video. It is not baby but we lover her just the same!
7.) So for next semester I am considering going to school part time and working full time to get health insurance so I can go see a doctor, but that would cost me more in tutition and it would take me longer to graduate, but I would have health insurance, and still graduate... SO WHAT DO I DO?!?! There are som big challenges for me right now, and I would love some actual input on what to do! I appreciate all the love right now, I need it!
1.) I am probably losing my job either today or tomorrow. No notmy T.A. job but my office job at Icon Secuirty. You see there was a merger with pinnacle and so basically the entire office is being let go because pinnacle doesn't need us. I was talking to one of my co-workers today who just informed me that he was offered today either a severance package or a job in collections, but not everyone was offered both. I am fairly concerned that I will not be offered collections job, or that it will simply be to unbareable... so I need help... what do I do if I get let go the next time I go into work.
2.) Brents parents are in town! Yup Mama and Daddy Huntley are in town for a show and thank goodness! It has been way to long since we have seen them and Brent has set out a schedule of when and where we are eating! I enjoy the games (card games, and dominos) more than the eating out but I am not complaining.
3.) Brents football team is in the elite eight. I am not really sure what that means except that he is really good! Every game Brent has been able to injure himself in one way or another and this last game he fell after doing a spin mid-air and then landing on his hip, there is now a huge bruise. His next game is this evening and I intend to take pictures, so look forward to that!
4.) My classes have decided to become more difficult! I am getting through it ok but it is not always the best time of my life! I am writing an interesting paper about nursing pay discrimination, if you have any questions just ask!
5.) One of my best friends for about 15 years now is getting married! She is being such a gem and letting me help so much in the planning, I am having an absolute ball and can't wait to update everyone with pictures from the wedding which will be on DEc. 20, 2008, CONGRATS SPENCER AND ERICA!
6.) Caliah is doing well as always but she has become more whining than usual. She is confused by rain and often looks to us as if to ask "Can you please just make it stop already!?" T0 entertain her while it is yucky out we put down a ball of yarn, and she loves attacking it! I will have to take a video. It is not baby but we lover her just the same!
7.) So for next semester I am considering going to school part time and working full time to get health insurance so I can go see a doctor, but that would cost me more in tutition and it would take me longer to graduate, but I would have health insurance, and still graduate... SO WHAT DO I DO?!?! There are som big challenges for me right now, and I would love some actual input on what to do! I appreciate all the love right now, I need it!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy All Saints Day everyone! I just thought I would let everyone know what we did for Halloween and show off my new layout! We celebrated halloween by watching Brent play intermural football (blog to follow at a later date) and then we went to Golden Corrall with friends. After eating we went and carved pumpkins, here are some of the fun pictures!
Brent drew on the pumpkin and everything but then he gave up, so I took over. At this point Jeremy was already done with his pumpkin, so he gave me creative advice!
Here is Erica and Spencer working on their pumpkin, you would have to ask them to explain what they carved and why!

Cute Halloween picture, but unfortunatly it turned out a little fuzzy!

Every year I have ever carved a pumpkin, I have always carved an M into the back, and this year was no exception. I was going to put a B in it but I ran out of room :(
This us scrapping out the guts! I was in charge of the dirty work and brent was designing a cougar outline for our pumpkin!
Cute Halloween picture, but unfortunatly it turned out a little fuzzy!
Every year I have ever carved a pumpkin, I have always carved an M into the back, and this year was no exception. I was going to put a B in it but I ran out of room :(
Ok here are the Final Products! On the right back, is Spencer and Erica's split face! In the front right is Jeremy's (who is by far the best), He described it as a demon cat thingy, and on the other side we have ours! Since I was working with half a cougar cut out already I had to kind of improvise! It turned out to be an anima cat (just for Kalen!)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Nebo Loop
Once again we were on a quest to have a fun relaxing weekend. So on saturday, instead of watching the BYU football game we set off with Erica and Spencer to drive the nebo loop! It was a grand old time! Tell us what you think!
I forgot my camera in the car! Erica is snapping a picture of spencer who is on the log brent is taking the picture from!
Unfortunatly, Brent and Spencer can both be a little overadventureous! aka "I don't care if there is a barrier I am going over it!"
There were a lot of white barked trees with great neon green leaves, here is a favorite picture!
Brents favorite picture of the weekend
Well we had a great adventure and BYU won so no harm no foul right?! Does anyone know any other noteable outdoor adventure we should take while we are here?!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Cute Kitty Clubhouse
Ok, it is time again for my cute little kitty. She recently found a new hang out that she enjoys!
Can you find her?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
So Brent and I live pretty busy lives, which are uneventful also. To keep ourselves happy and really enjoy this time in our lives we really make an effort to do something fun every weekend to create some good memories! Last weekend we went up to vivian park and had a bonefire with friends! It was definatly a good time! We made s'mores, hot dogs and roasted twinkies! It is always an adventure here in provo! I thought everyone would enjoy some pictures!

Yeah for friends! This is Caitlin and Seth. Seth is a friend from Freshman year who just got back from a mission in Seattle ( I think it is technically Puget Sound). Since he is originally for Missouri he was a little hesitant but he did fully admit that the Portland Oregon temple is AMAZING!!!

Brent chopping up a pallet to burn, he is really handy and loves the outdoors!
Just hanging out around the fire! Spencer has a really funny look on his face but that is pretty normal!
This is all the boys trying to get the fire started... It took them quite a bit of time but it definalty got going big by the end of the night
Yeah for friends! This is Caitlin and Seth. Seth is a friend from Freshman year who just got back from a mission in Seattle ( I think it is technically Puget Sound). Since he is originally for Missouri he was a little hesitant but he did fully admit that the Portland Oregon temple is AMAZING!!!
Brent chopping up a pallet to burn, he is really handy and loves the outdoors!
This was our fire! Brent and I both love flames and so it got a little big at times but hey that is part of the fun right?!?!
I thought this picture was cool because it definalty looks like horns, a little scary and a little demonic but no worries because nothing scary or demonic was happening at the bonefire!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The process
So I have had a lot of questions from people asking me how I did and and someother stuff so I thought I woil;d walk you through the process via pictures and answer questions along the way.
Step one: Cut 6" long stripsand then iron them out... The gooves in our coffe table worked perfect for a tracing line
Step two: Sew a blue strip to a yellow strip. Until you have four strips
Step 4 &5: Cut the long blue and yellow strips into 6" x 12" flip one and sew them together to a criss cross patter, I did each of my four long strips individually I was really surprised how they all lined up!
Step 6: Sew to of the strips together! (I didn't iron these yet that is why there is a really big crease down the middle!)
Step 7: Show the two haves together! The finished quilt part! I finished this on Sunday
(the day I started the project!)
Step 8: cut 8" of blue fabric and sow it to the top and bottom
Step 8: The finish the border. The repeat with a ten inch yellow border
This finishes the front of the quilt. Then I went and pick out bamboo batting for $16 and some green flannel to accent the green in the little farm scenes. I finished all of the border on Thursday.
HOW DID THIS GET IN HERE?!?!?! Brent and Caliah just snuggling while mom is hard at work!
This is how the corner of the finished top looked
Step 9-end. Then I sewed two green pieces together layers the quilt (top batting back) then I saftey pinned it toegther. From there I cut 3" strips to make the binding ironed those in half sewed them to the back, then folded them over the to the front side of the quilt and used a decorative stitch to sow them on the front. From here I removed all the saftey pins and tied the quilt using green yarn! And that is how I got this!
I thought it was going to be pretty small when I started but it is big enough to fit a twin sized bed with room to spare. And we finished it just in time seeing that we go out first snow last night, and that means miserable winter is on his way! Well that is how I did it, and I did it in a week, while I also finished three term papers took four quizzes and work for forty hours! I really enjoyed it all, towards the end I just wanted to tell someone so I got pretty grumpy! It is probably not the best quilt ever made but I am pretty proud of it! Oh, I still have no idea what to do with it so if you have suggestions you should let me know!
(the day I started the project!)
This finishes the front of the quilt. Then I went and pick out bamboo batting for $16 and some green flannel to accent the green in the little farm scenes. I finished all of the border on Thursday.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
ok here is my surprise... I made a quilt... I started it last sunday and finished it today... I will actually do some of the process tomorrow, but for now I just want to sleep! tell me what you think!
This is the full quilt with me!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Conference Breakfast
For Sunday conference moring we decided to go over to our friends, sam and terri annes for an omelet breakfast. Here are some pictures of the process!
Here is what the table looked like, we have omelet fixin's sausage and backon and waffle mix there is the back! How fun is that!
Sam was our chef throughout the whole process, this is his fancy omelet maker and it actually works! It is very nifty, and now brent really wants to get one!
And the final product! It was so yummy I had to split the last one with sam it was so good!
We let the boys take care of the cooking, terri annie is rearranging her bouquet of flowers she recieved a few days ago!
Conference breakfast was a lot of fun and the messages presented at conference was also amazing, I plan to start a quilt next conference session, so unless I fail miserably there should be some pictures!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Hey everyone! I recently posted a blog on trying to make my apartment more organized so we can utalize the low rent for longer. Well my first phase worked out wonderfully and our closet is working wonders. Phase two howeever was finished today. I noticed that the majority of clutter around our house was acctually loose papers. Where to put these papers has been driving me crazy! but today I came up with a great idea inspired by my childhood, well at least something I had growing up! A cubbie! Growing up each of us had one and so I decided to invest a little money in a clean house! Here are some pictures of the process!
Here is what it looks like! How nice does it look like!
And here is it full of the loose papers aournd the house!
Keep looking for phase three. I am not sure what it is yet, as soon as I notce another problem that can be fixed I will be on it! If anyone has any other ideas about little things I can do just let me know! Thanks!
This is the tools I plan to us, it was about 11 dollars total, but I think it is well worth it!
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