Every now and again I have nothing that is terribly interesting to report, but there are some minor changes that have
occurred. So like all of those times it is time for a Huntley Family update!
1.) We are officially moving to OREGON!!! Well at least for the Summer. We are both very excited to get out of Utah for the summer. Brent will be working with Bro. Kerr, someone from the homeward. We will be leaving
Utah on May 1st (at the latest) and stopping in Boise for a day or two to visit friends and family, we should be in oregon city on the 5th or 6th.
Because of this I have made a list of deep cleaning I want to get done before we leave, so hopefully that will help fill my empty days!
We are also
planning on leaving for the summer and we REALLY REALLY want to keep our apartment, but it would be great if we could find someone to sublease it, even at a fraction of the real price. So if ANYONE knows in the area who would like to have a nice apartment to themselves for the summer including washer and drying and dishwasher if you could let me know that would be amazing and that would help save us so much money!
2.) My last day at Icon was last Friday. Today was my first weekday of nothing to do since
September, and to be honest I didn't love it. I thought I would commemorate the day by sleeping in late, but I started getting phone calls at 7:00am! So the luxury of sleeping in was not really what I wanted it to be. I have timed out the rest of my homework, but I really have little left to do.
3.) Brent is working hard on studying for finals but he took some time out to play on the Ward Basketball team! They made it to the
REGIONALS and even made it to the Elite Eight in that category! He loved getting out and getting some
physical activity.
4.) I am still puttering away towards my degree and with only three weeks left I am seeing the end of the tunnel! I have finished all of my papers and assignments for two weeks out and after I finish one last paper (which I plan to Finish this week) I will have to only worry about finals. I am not going to lie,
senioritis has hit me hard! Working 40 hours a week and going to school full time was really difficult so I am glad to just pass (although I am sure I did better than I think I did).
5.) I got a job in Oregon
City for the Summer! I am going to be the camp director for
Rivercrest Summer Camp. I am pretty excited an nervous! I get to work with and old friend, Sheena, and it has been a while since I have been back in the loop! I still need a job for the months up to then, so if there are any ideas please let me know!
6.) Brent and I have started planning mini vacations we can take. So far the plans are Seattle, Vancouver Canada, The Coast and anywhere else that we may be able to escape for a weekend! If you have any other ideas that would be great!
Well I think that is all that is really going on! We are going to a Luau tonight so there should be fun pictures about that later... Remember I need two things from anyone and everyone... 1.) Someone who might be interested in subleasing in our apartment and 2.) any other great close vacation ideas